Creighton Model System (CrMS)


The Care You Deserve When You Need It

Creighton Model System (CrMS)

Women’s menstrual and fertility cycles have been shrouded in mystery since the beginning of time. Most women still do not know about the workings of their cycles of fertility and infertility. Every woman deserves to understand how her cycles function so that she might truly and confidently know how her body works and better appreciate the gift of her fertility.

How Does the Creighton Model Work?

The Creighton Model System (CrMS) relies upon the standardized observation and charting of biological markers that are the keys to information regarding a woman’s health and fertility. These “biomarkers” tell the couple when they are naturally fertile and infertile, allowing the couple to use the system either to achieve or to avoid pregnancy. These biomarkers also reveal any health abnormalities that may be present. The CrMS allows a woman to unravel the mysteries of her menstrual cycle so that she might participate in her own gynecologic healthcare.

Charting with the Creighton Model System serves as the foundation for the new women’s health science, NaProTECHNOLOGY (natural procreative technology).

In the CrMS, fertility is observed as part of a woman’s health, not as a disease from which she suffers. This system is specifically not a natural contraceptive. Rather, it is a method of true family planning that can be used in two ways: either to achieve or to avoid pregnancy. These principles make this system distinctly different from contraception, artificial or natural, because it relies upon the cyclic fertility of the couple and respects both the man and woman’s entire reproductive integrity.

The CrMS is based upon a couple’s knowledge and understanding of their naturally occurring phases of fertility and infertility. Through this understanding, the couple is able to make decisions regarding the achievement or avoidance of pregnancy. This system provides information which deals with the complete dimension of the procreative ability. In addition, it provides women the added benefit of being able to monitor and maintain their procreative and gynecologic health over a lifetime.

How Do I Learn CrMS?

Learning to use the Creighton Model FertilityCare System requires attending a series of teaching sessions with a trained FertilityCare Practitioner or FCP Intern. These practitioners are specifically trained in NaproEducation, a 13-month Allied Health Education Program, which insures their ability to deliver quality instruction, teach the System in its entirety, and address the client’s individual needs.

To begin, a client/client couple schedules and then attends an Introductory Session, (slide presentation), which is an overview of the use and applications of the system. The presentation lasts one hour, followed by time for questions, distribution of educational materials, and scheduling of the first follow-up.

Adhering to the organized follow-up schedule is paramount to the client/client couple learning the system and quickly gaining confidence in its use for their needs. Although the educational system is standardized, each client couple receives individual attention at each follow-up. It is at the time of the follow-up sessions that the instruction in the use of the Creighton Model System is accomplished.

Following the Intro Session, there are generally 8 follow-ups in the first year, although this schedule may be tailored to your individual situation. The first 4 follow-ups are each 2 weeks apart, the 5th is 1 month later and the remaining 3 are each 3 months apart. This schedule can be adjusted according to the client’s individual needs.

After the first year, when the client/couple is comfortable and confident in using the system, a follow-up is attended every 6 months. Follow-up is also available any time the couple’s needs change. The Practitioner is available for questions/guidance in the interim.

If you are unsure if Creighton Model is for you, call us or email us with your questions and/or schedule to attend an Intro Session. There is no obligation to commit to follow-ups unless you decide to use the system.

We strongly encourage husbands and fiancés to attend every meeting possible, but it is not required. It is highly recommended that he attend the Introductory Session so that he can also have a basic understanding of the system.

Scheduling an Appointment

You can schedule an appointment for an Introductory Session by contacting either of our 2 convenient locations. It is easiest to send us an email requesting an appointment so that we can send you even more specific information to get you started.

In your email, please include your name and what your specific interest might be in learning to chart with the Creighton Model System.

In New Orleans:
In Baton Rouge:

Our Practitioners

Our Creighton FertilityCare Practitioners have completed an internationally recognized 13-month Education Program for FertilityCare Practitioners; our Practitioner Interns are currently enrolled in this training program, which is accredited by the American Academy of FertilityCare Professionals. Through this program, we are able to offer instruction in the Creighton Model FertilityCare System with the highest quality of an allied health profession.

We work very closely with physicians who are trained as Medical Consultants to offer restorative healthcare for a woman’s reproductive and gynecologic needs. Through this program, the Medical Consultants use CrMS and NaProTECHNOLOGY conjunctively to diagnose gynecologic problems and treat them cooperatively with the natural cycle to restore gynecologic health.

Privacy Policy

We are dedicated to maintaining your privacy. All follow-up sessions are confidential, and records and documentation are stored in a secure manner. Release of records for the purpose of chart reviews and collaboration with Medical Consultants and/or other Practitioners shall be done only with permission from the client.