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Woman's New Life Clinic

From Our Blog

Life-Saving Ultrasounds



Katie could not believe she was sitting in our office. She was abortion-minded in the face of her unplanned pregnancy. But here she was. Then upon seeing her baby in the ultrasound, she had a change of heart. “Okay, how do I do this mother thing?” she exclaimed.

Because of you, Katie was able to see the life within her with her own eyes.

Robert and Clare were scared when faced with the news of their pregnancy. This was not in their plans, and they felt ill-prepared to be parents. However, upon seeing their baby in the ultrasound, Robert could not contain his excitement. “Just saw my baby boy!” he exclaimed.

Because of you, Robert and Clare chose to continue with their pregnancy and embrace parenthood.

Alicia was shocked to discover she was pregnant. Her family disapproved as well. She thought abortion was her only option. But then she came to Woman’s New Life Center and saw her little one in the ultrasound. “I was abortion-bound when I arrived at Woman’s New Life Center. Then I saw my baby on ultrasound. I saw his hands and his feet. That’s all that I could think of after that, his little hands and feet. Even when my family kept pressuring me to abort, I said, no, I can’t… I saw his hands and his feet.”

Because of you, we were able to provide Alicia with the ultrasound that helped her choose life for her baby.

Did you know? Most women who see their baby on an ultrasound CHOOSE LIFE.

At Woman’s New Life Center, we’re here to offer this ultrasound for free and couple it with free professional counseling. We show women the truth of the life within them and give them the space to find a moment of calm amidst the crisis of an unplanned pregnancy. Through this, lives are being saved and changed.

And this happens because of YOU.

Because of you, we can continue to offer free ultrasounds and other services to women who need help recognizing the goodness of the little life within them.

Click here to save a life today.