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Woman on a bed | Before Having an Abortion

June 6, 2019

7 Points to Consider Before Having an Abortion

An unplanned pregnancy can be an especially difficult experience. You may have any number of concerns and may be overwhelmed with what you feel you should or shouldn’t do.

Having an abortion may seem like the simplest way to “undo” the stress that you may now be feeling. However, it’s important to give it some thought before making the decision to go through with it.

Here are some important points to consider before making the decision to have an abortion:

1. What are your core values?

Core values are the things that matter the most to you. What motivates you? What helps you to feel at peace with yourself? What helps you feel proud of yourself? These questions may not seem to have a direct correlation to a decision to have an abortion, but they may have more to do with it than you realize.

Chances are, as a little girl you were probably not considering the day you might have an abortion. If your consideration to do so is stemming from fear, it might be worth giving it more thought.

2. It’s a permanent decision.

Unlike many other decisions you will make in life, the decision to have an abortion is permanent and the consequences can be difficult to process.

If you’re hesitating and wondering whether you may regret your decision to abort later in life, take some more time to think it through. Consequences may not only be psychological. The health risks of abortion can lead to lifelong complications.

3. An abortion, even by taking the abortion pill, comes with serious health risks.

You have a right to know about the health risks of having an abortion. These can involve anything from severe pain and cramping to a punctured uterus and even  permanent infertility.

Never receive an abortion from a clinic whose doctor does not have admitting privileges at a nearby hospital. Sadly, there have been many cases of women not receiving the necessary emergency medical care when something went wrong with the procedure.

4. The gestational age of your pregnancy determines the type and cost of abortion you can have.

Having an ultrasound is essential to knowing whether you have a viable pregnancy to begin with. It is also necessary for determining the gestational age of your pregnancy. This is important for determining what type of abortion is available to you.

At Woman’s New Life Clinic, we offer free ultrasounds for women in an unplanned pregnancy. If you think you may be pregnant, give us a call to schedule an ultrasound today. One of our licensed, registered nurses will conduct your ultrasound and provide you with a medically-verified assessment of your pregnancy and health.

5. Making a decision while in crisis isn’t a good idea.

For many women, the decision to have an abortion stems from fear more than anything else—fear of what others would think if they knew of the pregnancy, fear of maintaining a relationship with the baby’s father, fear of being able to continue school or work, fear of being able to provide for a child well, and any number of other concerns.

These thoughts can create a whirlwind of anxiety, which can cloud your thinking and lead you to making a decision that you’re not fully comfortable with.

The best way around this is to talk to someone who is outside of your personal relationships and can offer an objective view of your unique situation.

At Woman’s New Life Clinic, we offer free, professional counseling so that you can find relief from any anxiety and overwhelming thoughts. Then you can confidently and clearly make the right decision for yourself.

6. Abortion and parenting are not your only options.

Adoption can be a solution to your needs and at the same time help a couple who cannot conceive a child on their own. You have a wide variety of options, too, depending on how much or how little you’d like to be involved in the adoption process.

Many people even choose to have an open adoption, which means that the birth mother can receive updates on how her child is doing throughout life and sometimes even meet her child as the child is growing. The benefit of this option is that your child will know you as he or she grows and questions can be answered along the way.

As a birth mother, you may also be able to have your medical expenses covered by the adoptive parents.

7. You are not alone.

An unplanned pregnancy can feel like an isolating experience. In fact, for many women, a lot of the anxiety surrounding an unplanned pregnancy comes from simply not knowing how to tell their family, friends, or even the baby’s father.

Wherever you are in the decision-making process, know that you are not alone. We are here for you with medical care, including free medically-verified pregnancy testing and ultrasounds, and free, professional counseling. Our goal is to care for you so that you can feel empowered to make the best decision for yourself.

Our professional counselors will walk with you throughout your decision-making process and for as long as you’d like afterwards, connecting you to any resources you need along the way.

All our unplanned pregnancy services are completely free and completely confidential—because you deserve to get the help you need during this difficult time.

Please call us today to schedule an appointment. Walk-ins are also welcome at both locations.

In New Orleans: 504.831.3117
In Baton Rouge: 225.663.6470