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Woman's New Life Clinic

From Our Blog

Thank you for giving the gift of professional counseling!

When Ally discovered she was pregnant, she felt ill-equipped to take care of herself, let alone a baby. She came to Woman’s New Life Clinic confused and scared, but we were able to provide her with the courage and resources she needed to choose life for her baby.

“They provided the safe environment that enabled me to take the time needed to focus on self and beliefs… They gave me the ability to move forward with hope.”

Because of you, we were able to provide Ally with the support and guidance she needed to choose life for her little one and embrace motherhood with courage and confidence.

We love being able to offer free, professional counseling to our clients. An unplanned pregnancy can quickly put a woman in a state of crisis. Because of this, professional counseling is a beautiful and effective way of helping her, which in turn can empower her to choose life from a place of peace and confidence.

As our lead therapist Elizabeth explains, “When a person is facing a reality that they don’t think they can handle, it can throw them into a state of crisis… Our job is to get them to a place of calm, to their core beliefs instead of fear… We hope then to be able to help them operate from their own core beliefs and values versus the fear and the crisis that they’re experiencing.”

And this counseling is available to our clients for as long as they need, even after their pregnancy.

Because of you, we’re here to walk with women in crisis throughout their journey, uplifting them, speaking hope to them, and reminding them of their dignity.

Thank you for making this possible!