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Woman's New Life Clinic

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Thank you for supporting heroic birth moms who choose adoption!

National Adoption Day is this Saturday, November 21!

We’re offering a prayer of thanksgiving for the heroic birth moms who choose life for their children and make the selfless choice of adoption. Thanks to your support, our counselors are trained to walk with clients through the adoption process, answering any of their questions and providing compassionate and professional support along the way. Your kindness has made a difference to women like Maggie*.

Maggie felt despondent when she discovered she was pregnant.

“I was at the point of desperation when I called WNLC. I knew I was having twins, but I didn’t see any way of being able to handle two babies. I am against abortion, but didn’t see any other way.”

Through speaking with one of our counselors, Maggie was able to make the courageous decision to give life to her twins.

“I realized that I couldn’t do it… I just couldn’t have an abortion. It was then that I started to think seriously about adoption. With more help from WNLC, I was able to connect with an adoption agency and place my twins for adoption. It was hard, but I have peace.”

Because of your kindness, Maggie received life-affirming support that enabled her to choose life for her twins. Because of you, she was empowered with the strength and courage she needed to continue with her pregnancy and make the loving sacrifice of choosing adoption for her babies.