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Woman's New Life Clinic

From Our Blog

Kristina’s Story

Have you ever been in a situation where you just couldn’t see a light at the end of the tunnel?

This was the case for Kristina*. The past several months have been exceptionally challenging. The fear of the pandemic and the financial struggles that ensued exacerbated the stress she was already experiencing. As a mother with young children already, she was becoming despondent.

And then, when she thought she couldn’t handle one more, she found out she was pregnant.

In desperation, she drove to the abortion clinic.

After checking in at the abortion clinic, Kristina was told to wait in the car due to COVID regulations. The parking lot was full.

While she waited, she began to think about her decision. She didn’t want an abortion, but she felt she had no choice. If only there was some other way…

A knock at the window—it was now her turn.

Kristina began to open up about her situation to the abortion clinic worker, expressing that she’d like more time. But, as you might imagine, selling an abortion was the clinic’s main focus.

The abortion clinic worker pressed her in urgency. She had to receive her abortion immediately or lose her spot…

Kristina drove home. She didn’t have the abortion that day. She told herself she would go back after she took more time to think, even if it meant waiting in that line again.

In the meantime, she still needed help. That’s when she found Woman’s New Life Clinic.

When she arrived at Woman’s New Life Clinic, she was greeted warmly by the receptionist and was soon sitting with one of our professional counselors. Kristina went back and forth with what to do about her pregnancy. However, our counselor encouraged her to slow down and think through her decision carefully.

Instead of being rushed, Kristina found someone with whom she could take time opening up about all that was weighing on her. Our counselor listened patiently and offered Kristina techniques for calming her anxiety.

Before long, Kristina began to feel peace and even a spark of hope that she might not have to get an abortion. Deep down, she knew she didn’t want an abortion. Now she was receiving the real, compassionate support she needed.

After a few more conversations with our counselor, Kristina chose life.

Because of you, Kristina received the care she needed to choose life for her baby and will continue to receive life-affirming support for as long as she needs even after the birth of her child.

*Name changed to protect client’s confidentiality.