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Woman's New Life Clinic

From Our Blog

Naomi’s Story

Naomi’s Story

When Naomi discovered she was pregnant, she believed getting an abortion was her only choice. She hadn’t planned to have a child right now, and she was too anxious and afraid to consider continuing with her pregnancy.
Naomi drove to the abortion clinic.

On that particular day, however, the abortion clinic was closed and several people were gathered on the sidewalk praying during 40 Days for Life.

Then she noticed Woman’s New Life Clinic next door.

When Naomi walked into Woman’s New Life Clinic, we could see that she was distressed. She was disappointed to discover we couldn’t provide her with an abortion or an abortion referral.

Our nurse explained the services we could offer her, particularly free professional counseling, and invited her to stay for an appointment. However, with her mind still set on abortion, Naomi walked out of Woman’s New Life Clinic…

After Naomi walked out of Woman’s New Life Clinic, she saw the prayerful 40 Days for Life participants once again. Then she noticed the sign on the side of our building offering a path other than abortion, a path of peace.

She paused, thought for a moment, and then turned around and walked back into Woman’s New Life Clinic.

Naomi met with one of our professional counselors and, throughout their conversation, became less anxious and overwhelmed.

With her mind no longer clouded by fear, Naomi saw that abortion was not her only option and ultimately decided to continue her pregnancy.

Thank you for being a beacon of hope for Naomi in the midst of her darkness. Because of you, Naomi received the care she needed to choose life for her baby and will continue to receive life-affirming support for as long as she needs even after the birth of her child.

Can you be the light for mothers like Naomi and help them choose life?

Make a gift of life today!