Bring FABM 101 to Your School or Group!

Empower your young women with the tools they need to carry themselves with dignity, protect their health, and make intelligent choices for their reproductive well-being.  

FABM 101 consists of four short videos each followed by a brief quiz to reinforce the content in the videos. The target audience of FABM 101 are females 14 years of age and up. FABM 101 is completely free and is a fantastic supplement to a health or science class, homeroom time, or other enrichment course. Students can watch the videos and take quizzes on their own or the teacher/facilitator may opt for the class to go through the course together as a group.  

Contact us today for your free FABM 101 School Package, which includes further ideas for implementing in your school or group, a letter to send to parents, printable PDF of quick facts, and more.  

Questions? Don’t hesitate to reach out.