

Volunteer with WNLC!

Get involved with Woman’s New Life Clinic and help change lives today!

Each of us has the power to inspire life every day by simply offering support to women facing unplanned pregnancies. Support the work of Woman’s New Life Clinic and discover an opportunity that will have a transformative effect on both you and those you serve.

As a result of our volunteers’ efforts, the hearts and lives of hundreds of women and children are saved, touched, and healed. Our work is rewarding and rejuvenating, as we develop compassionate connections with those we serve. Everyone can do something. Without the efforts of our amazing volunteers, we wouldn’t be able to accomplish the goals of our mission: to support every woman with trustworthy and compassionate care. Our volunteers are the heart and soul of what makes our ministry happen—as we inspire life, one person at a time.

Here at Woman’s New Life Clinic, our volunteers are valued and vital to the work we do!

Volunteer Opportunities:

  • Event Committees (Born to Run — New Orleans, Born to Run — Baton Rouge, Gala for Life)
  • Office Support
  • Phone Counseling

If you would like more information or would like to volunteer, please contact Woman’s New Life Clinic at 504.496.0212.

“We make a living by what we do, but we make a life by what we give.”
— Winston Churchill